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Brazil's forest monitoring system in global demand

Brazil's expertise and technology in surveying and monitoring its rich forest and timber resources is in high demand from other countries with large areas of tropical rainforest.

The technology, which allows Brazilian authorities and business to better monitor and protect their forests, has been in place since 1988, under the name Terra Amazon. The project was first set up by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE).

Alessandra Gomes, who works on the Amazon with INPE, said that their methods had proven to be mature and of a perfect standard for export, and that other countries were likely to benefit significantly from them.

"Our goal is to enable other countries in need of a strong system to watch over their forest cover," Gomes said in a recent interview.

Inge Jonckheere from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - one of a number of international partners that are involved in the international expansion of the technology - said that the monitoring system had become the envy of many other nations.

"Many countries see it as an example, and would like to adopt it in their own contexts," she said, adding that training programmes had been developed with the Brazilian government to help roll out the system in countries including Mexico, Gabon, Guiana, Congo, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam.